Cars Rob You of Your Time

I claim that even if you don’t “believe” in global warming, you should ditch the car. I’ve reached this conclusion by calculating the effective speed of driving, vs. the effective speed of biking. This argument was initially made by Ivan Illich in the early 70’s, but I put in numbers for 2009 and my own… Continue reading »

What I Did Last Summer

What I Did Last Summer

Photo by Mick Mason / ParkourGenerations To make a long story short. My brother and I participated in a 6-day intensive training parkour camp in the French Alps from June 21 – 28. Each day started with a short run and plenty of push-ups at 5:50 am. Then breakfast, exercise, lunch, exercise and dinner… Continue reading »

Vekst eller miljø? Ditt valg!

Det er valgår. Partienes programmer finner du her: Arbeiderpartiet (64 siders pdf) Fremskrittspartiet (html) Høyre (65 siders pdf) Kristelig Folkeparti (105 siders pdf) Miljøpartiet De Grønne (27 siders pdf) Rødt (73 siders pdf) Senterpartiet (140 siders pdf) Sosialistisk Venstreparti (36 siders pdf) Venstre (104 siders pdf) Til sammen er dette mer enn 600 siders herlig… Continue reading »

Robert McNamara passes away

Robert McNamara, former secretary of defence of the USA, passed away on July 6. For those who don’t know the significance of this man, I can warmly recommend The Fog of War, a documentary where McNamara reflects on his own involment in, and the nature of, war. You can view the movie online at… Continue reading »